Originally Posted By: BossMan
Any chance these changes are going to help out the highway launch. It was really shallow last season. Didn’t try it last year with my jet boat but the couple times I had my raft down there it seem like it would be challenging for anything except high water.

Actually, when you stand on the old bridge and look North, the main flow of the river is back on the East side. Hopefully that will help move the main channel, below the highway bridge back to the East.

Much as I hated to launch and then load boat my boat, after the launch was "improved"......there is no way jet boats can be launched without "very high water".

I MISSED TWITCHING FOR THE "LATES"....THE PAST 4 OR 5 YEARS!!!!!! Come on Mother Nature.......do your thing, move the channel back to the East....
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"