I'm with Keith on this one and the rest of you on this thread are full of it. You know damn well Trump isn't going to use a coup to stay in power. Also, it's not like Kavanaugh and Gorsuch have handed Trump gimme's with their rulings thus far and have shown the propensity to rule on the merits of law rather than legislate from the bench.

Trump is certainly not an orator and leaves lots of room to have his words twisted which his opposition happily does without any regard for what he actually may have meant. If it makes you feel good to run with that, have fun, but you're being disingenuous and damn well know it. If you truly believe it then you've gone over the edge into full-on TDS.
. . . and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and have dominion over the fish of the sea . . .