Bank Walker -
Great post, but you will find that most people will complain about and not stand up for this issue.
Check out my post in the Thread "Wild Steelhead for sale".
After posting my willingness to help organize some people the thread was dropped. I even posted my email and got only one response, and this person had not posted in the thread. Where did all the angry and upset posters go? No one posted there anymore, but 3 new threads popped up with/about the same info on markets and picketing.
I think your "Just One Day" quote is perfect, but I think that a big rally would be better off at the Capitol steps. They have resident news media there, it makes things look bigger, and should garner more interest.
I also think that we could accomplish alot by having a one day picket at our local markets across the state. ahh's all in my other post and I don't expect to see anymore posts here (but new ones will surface) so why the hell am I writing?


"Just Say No To Sovereign Nations!"
"Just Say No To Sovereign Nations!"