I do certainly like all of the angles presented here, but would also like to clarify my angle. I would simply like to draw attention in a positive way to the simple fact that these fish are being caught and sold. Most people do not know. People and businesses have choices about what they buy and sell.
I do work in the restaurant business, my restaurant purchases over $100,000 in seafood a year. The seafood companies do care what i think and what people think, make enough of a stink and they will change, slowly. I will not buy net caught fish, that is my choice, the only sustainable fisheries at this point for salmon are strictly troll caught, which is hook and line, and a few terminal fisheries, like Youngs bay on the Columbia. What this leaves is farmed fish, which has many issues as well. Unfortunatly they do not even allow commercial troll salmon fishing in the sound.
As for the indians selling their fish elsewhere, they will try, do you suppose they have wonderful refridgeration? no, they do not even deliver the fish, they get picked up by the distributors. They are in between a rock and a hard place. Talk to the troll fishermen in Alaska, they get much better money for their troll caught fish now, they bleed them, ice them immediatly and some even market them themselves. The only problem is their are fewer fish for them to catch.
I think an effective approach at this point, as well as a demonstration would be letters, e - mail and phone calls to Pacific fish, Pike fish markets, restaurants, politicians, tribes, etcc... anyone that will listen, editorial sections in all our newspapers. I will continue to find out what i can about who sell these steelhead, and apply pressure where i can. I hope you all do the same, at least we can try to do something tangable while the debates continue.
Save our wild steelhead.