"I'm not saying there should be a law that mothers can't work, I'm saying if people don't want to raise kids then they should not get pregnant....."

A working mother sometimes has to supplement the income in order to make ends meet, would you rather that family looked for welfare assistance??

"How is my opinion that Natives should not be allowed to rape the wild resources (timber,fish,game,etc...) even if their ancestors did it ?"

Best answer to that is this (quote from above)"I don't like the way the Native corporations log vast areas clean"

They have been here for 10,000 plus years, and there were always plenty of trees and salmon and everything else wild here, before you got here and started clear cutting. How did the Natives practice clear cutting before Manifest Destiny ANYHOW?

"Should I be allowed to run a splashdam logging operation just because some white guy did it back in the day ?"

If you're still clearcutting, than well....I'll just put it this way (quote from above) "in the past there was extensive clear-cutting. Hopefully there will be more clear-cuts in the future,"

You are bi-polar or you are Bill O'Rielly, I haven't figured which yet, or maybe both.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"
President Merkin Muffley