Well, see cfm...........that's the thing about many science classes. They tell you how to think because..............that's what's right. Thinking that 2+2 = 5 REAL hard because you want to think for yourself just isn't going to take you anywhere. ;\)

I'm not even going to begin to say that being educated makes you "smart", but you don't want someone "street wise" or "wise in the ways of the world" building that guidance system for your cruise missile, now do you?

By the same token, GWB has a Harvard MBA and yet doesn't seem to grasp the concept of paying back money you borrow on credit.

Let's just say that I've been fishing around Western Washington for 30 years, and I'm not about ready to believe that wild steelhead are in as good of shape now as they were then. If somebody claims they are, then I'm skeptical of the methods/staistics/data they used to base that conclusion on.

So, my belief is that I'm going to do WHAT I CAN DO to lessen my impact on wild steelhead. I can't stop the tribes from netting, I can only go so far preventing non-tribal commercials from netting them, and aside from killing every person I see, I can't stop the environmental impacts we all have merely by living.

Anyway, I'm washing my hands of this argument now. You want to whack a wild fish because they aren't in trouble on the system you're fishing, go right ahead. Then, when the Quilayute system starts falling victim to the same pressures every other river system in the state has succumbed to, you can be the first one to gweeb about how it was the nets/commercials/environment that led to it.

Just keep in mind that all these whacked wild fish ALREADY made it past the nets/commercials/environment obstacles BEFORE you hooked the damn thing. Pheeew......it's a good thing some an angler whacked it, ate it, and shat it before the nets/commercials/environment wiped it out, huh? Nice.

OK, that's all from me, you guys carry on. I promise. Really. I mean it. See you later. Bye, then. Buh-bye.
She was standin' alone over by the juke box, like she'd something to sell.
I said "baby, what's the goin' price?" She told me to go to hell.

Bon Scott - Shot Down in Flames