Originally posted by Sparkey:
Originally posted by elkrun:
My take is that many feel that WSR IS the answer, and they will ignore the real issues....
Please find me atleast one quote on this board that actually supports that claim. I have yet to run across anyone that beleives WSR is the answer.
But there are many who think it has complicated the problem! Where's all the attention focused currently? Right now theres a beautiful slab hen native hung up in a net somewhere on the OP, along with a lots of her buddies. This is a far bigger impact ....

This has just been a nice smokescreen for the bigger issues to hide behind, a distraction that will have minimal impact at best. The potential precident of blanket regulations has far greater impacts on the future of fishing than WSR, or the "keep em wet rule", and they wont be good.

As for your quote: "never give away what you wish to keep"