Aunty - Yada, yada, yada...

I was not there and you were not there and Boldt was not there and no one alive in the early 1970's was THERE in 1855. Happy now?

But were you there during the U.S. vs. WA court proceedings? If you were, let us all in on what transpired, please.

Did you hear first hand what the court based many of it's findings on? They were not "interpretations of a liberal judge." The basis of equal shares coming from "in common with" was a result of the testimony by expert witnesses who testified as to what the trade language used at treaty times meant and what concepts the U.S. government was attempting to communicate.

BTW, your views on what I offer or don't offer on this board are just that... your views. I could tell you what stock I put in them but why be so obvious?

For the last 30 years I have worked with many of the attorneys and the witnesses who were active in the case.... on both sides of the argument.

I could go on attempting to eductae you, but why bother... you have it all figured out and the facts are not in the equation.