Has nothing to do with Vision, and sorry if my post seemed odd.....it was driven by frustration over people not realizing that information is only as good as the source. What qualifications does Vhawk have that make him a reliable hook tester? Some, if any at all. That's what pizzed me off. He didn't even know where to begin with the testing process and you guys are praising him as if he was Keith Archer testing a new egg cure. C'mon, folks, Vhawk is about as qualified to test hooks as I am qualified to test cancer patients. No matter what his results yield, they will be useless because he doesn't even know what hook components are (tine, throat, shank, etc.), metals used, tempering, annodizing, chemical sharpening, eye formation, plating, how the barb is cut, etc. I know more about this than he will ever know and you don't see me jumping in to volunteer........been there and done that.......it was very difficult to do starting from scratch and I'm a Mensa genius. Yes, I am, folks.

Besides, I'm trying to tell Vhawk that he needs to test himself before he starts trying to test tackle. Go study for the MCATs and be on your way to becoming a MD before you waste any more time trying to become Dr. Fisherman.

BTW, I am no longer with Vision. I use Vision hooks only because I have a stockpile. I am a Gammy/Owner man and I purchase quite a bit of them as of late. Daiichi is my favorite for fly and gear, but they cost big $$$ so I opt for 2nd best. Capiche? ;\)

Sorry, Vhawk, but you've got to put your time into the medical field and do your field testing on your time off. I am getting ready to drop out of the fishing social cirlce for a while after one hell of a summer because I am studing for an electrical 07 administrator test. I received a wake up call recently when a board member told me to put my time into school and/or studying for future degrees/certifications. That particular memeber showed me thier pay stub and my mouth dropped. He is in the same field as me, just hold the certification. Trying to pass along the same helpful hints, excuse me if I offended anybody, just my weird way of trying to help.

Kid Sauk tested, single mothers approved
Got Mingo?

My name is Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddd.....