Originally Posted By: Hankster
Now that they've retired and are expecting what they were promised, they find they are still paying for medical care. Although not as much as some do.

Although not as much as some.
Oh, you mean the monthly co pay and Medicare part B premium, as compared to the $800-$1,000 per month they would pay IF they could get insured at all?
And what would these old folks get if the republicans had their way. Oh yeah, nada. The Rs fought Medicare tooth and nail, just like they fought against Social Security. If they had been as good at telling lies then as, they are now - ala Palin's death panels, etc. we wouldn't have Medicare today. Imagine the health of this nation if seniors had no health coverage. There would be massive bankruptcies and old folks losing their homes.

It cracks me up to see seniors raising hell about not wanting Gobmint health care at the same time they are happily enrolled in Medicare.
No huevos no pollo.