We didn't get to hear all of what she had to say, so who knows? She clearly wasn't part of the unruly mob. Was how congresswoman dipshait responded appropriate? Its clear this is one congress person who doesn't care what the people have to say. They are there to represent us. If the cell phone call was so important,she should have had the decency to ask the lady asking the question to give her a moment then get back to her.

Who knows what her situation is. Maybe she has savings or investments and can afford health insurance. Maybe she thinks this plan is bad for America and is willing to take the risk. I don't know. But it is clear to me that many in congress are gonna do what they want, and don't care what we the people have to say about it even though all of the reputable poles show Americans are against the plans being put in front of us.

As for doing what they think is right even though it isn't popular, you could make the case that Bush did what he thought was right. How many here supported that?

Properly braced, ready for the pile on!