Originally Posted By: Hankster
I'm pretty sure I emailed you that hearing that's on youtube where the Rep from GA (a doctor) was complaining to Miller that Pelosi's marching orders were to ignore Repubs.

Lots of plans out there from the R's that could be considered in a bipartisan bill, or even discussed and debated. The Dems aren't interested and only want to mollify the Blue Dogs so they can pass it in the House. Period. They have the numbers in both houses to pass anything they want. They are even discussing going the nuclear option and passing it in the Senate with only a majority vote.

Tell me again that they listen to the R's.

Yep, payback's a bitch. I'm not defending it, but it is so reminiscent of when shrub was in the whitehouse and the Rs controlled Congress. If I'd heard a few of you conservatives opposing the crap that the R whitehouse and Congress forced on us I might feel slightly sympathetic.

Frankly I am a bit concerned that we aren't going to get the best health care reform that good minds can develop because it's become more important to just pile on and keep the Rs marginalized, even if one of them happened to have a good idea. (Ever the philosopher, I know that a good idea doesn't care who has it.)

You say that some Rs have good health care reform ideas. I've only heard one of them last week, and I didn't like it. But if Rs have good health care reform ideas, where the hell were they during all those years they controlled Congress, not to mention the Whitehouse? Oh, that's right, when the Rs are in power, they favor the unsustainable status quo that makes CEOs uber rich and deny coverage to policyholder's legitimate claims. Maybe there are valid reasons why Ds are reluctant to listen to anything Rs have to say on the subject.
