The thing about guns is that they are held hostage by both parties, but especially right-wingers, so that they can keep stripping our rights from us. As long as the Beck viewers have their guns, it doesn't matter if the gubmint wants to touch their junk or tap their phone calls. I mean, it's all in the name of fightin' terror and bein' free!

This is why guns won't be taken from us any time soon. If the government did try to do a gun-grab, it wouldn't be feasible. For one, there are 200 million guns in the U.S., reason 2 being that many gun owners have guns that aren't even in their name. I for one have several guns that aren't in my name. How on earth is the government going to know about these? Are they going to do a search and seizure for every household in the U.S.? I think not. Not only would many law enforcement die in the process, but it would probably cost billions of dollars.

Edited by McMahon (12/08/10 05:10 PM)