
OK, a few more things. The Sage 7100 RP means that it is a 7 wt rod and 10' long. If it were 9' long it would be called a 790 RP.

When you say " . . . a Cortland 7# . . .", what do you mean? Is this a line, as in 7 wt (not 7# cuz it isn't seven pounds), or a model of Cortland reel? If it's a line, do you have any clue what wt (weight) or type it is? If not, take it to a fly shop and ask; that's likely the best way to find out.

If you have two spools for the Marquis, I'd put a WF7F Cortland 444 peach floating line on one spool. It's a classic and casts and handles real well. Depending on what you plan to fish for and where should determine what line to put on the second spool. I make or buy a multi-tip and have a bunch of sink tips to maximize the versatility of the rod.

Someone who knows all about backing and roll casting wouldn't likely use both words in the same sentence, just to offer you a clue about how clueless you may be. I cast lines that are over 30 years old just fine, so it's not likely that the 10 year age of your line is the cause of your casting. It's more likely you're just a [Bleeeeep!] caster. Don't worry, most people are.

Word of advice: some guys buy a $600 fly rod and wonder why they cast like chit. They would be miles ahead buying a $100 rod and spending $400 on casting lessons, but most won't.
