Salmo, your no better than anyone else. The rod and reel you use should make no difference. I have taken up fly fishing recently, its a blast and im hooked. However I have fished gear with fly fisherman who respect me, not because of another good method i choose (gear), but because i am fishing, Im putting native fish back, and not leaving my trash on the river. Thats all we can ask for really?

Elitist do more harm to the sport than good. Sure they give their money to the CCA and other conservation efforts; which is a good thing that I have no problem with, but come on, thats not enough. We need to pass down methods of conservation, and our knowledge about fishing and sportsmanship. Elitist push people away and make them feel stupid, just because they didnt get it as fast as someone else doesnt mean they are stupid...

I really feel that this will be met with some harsh comments, but look at yourself first....salmosalar, how dare you? Who are you to tell someone they cant fly fish.

Im thankful for the person teaching me. He has a lot of patients for a guy who needs a lot of practice like me. Stop pushing people away, give them a rod (fly, spinning, bait...whatever) and watch them go to town. Teach them to conserve, keep the banks clear of trash and have fun doing it.

Get over yourselves.

Redhook, keep going! Do your dad justice and catch some fish, and dont be afraid of the losers who think they are better because they work in the fisheries department or whatever.

The more I fish, the more i find its not that hard, throw something at them that looks like food, they will probably eat it.