Originally Posted By: Todd

As a right winger and a fool, you're used to believing that others think like you.

I'm smart...I don't think like you.

I also don't think that talking about another man's lady is moral or proper.

I do, however, think that I will knock your face in for doing it.f

You, as a pussy, probably believe that I am kidding.

I'm not.

You, as a pussy, will probably whine to the mods, or snivel to the cops, or hide under a rock. I'm guessing that's what you did all thru your childhood when the meanies made fun of you, probably after you shot your stupid mouth of then, too...wahh, I'm gonna get my ass beat!

Think your old sad ass is anonymous on the InterWebz? It's not, and I live about fifteen minutes from you.

As a pussy, you'll probably want to have a gun around while I beat your ass...make sure it's registered to you so they can use it to ID your body when they extract it from three feet up your ass.

Fish on...


Well good. We have a bonifide threat of violence. I hope Toad will follow thru. TJ will not only own his lure company, he will have a felony on his record, and Canada will turn him away every time.

Keep talkin tough guy.
Just another liberal emotional basket case.

Edited by Fast and Furious (10/18/12 12:59 PM)