Originally Posted By: j 7
Originally Posted By: stlhead

What I don't want is you armed. I don't consider you a rational person. But since it's legal then others need to be armed to protect themselves from you. You see the circle?

So now you finaly agree with a RWWJ. I dont want you, an armed killer in my class. And I have the right to protect myself from you. But you dont want me too protect myself from you. Thats not making sense. Its clear that prior gun legislation and gun free zones put in place by LWDB's are not effective. I agree with slab that bird brain is distrustful and thats the key. But if the voters in WA showed anything to birdbrain is that we are not scared of him having a joint at his gay wedding. I'm not scared of potheads and gays so dont be scared of responsible straight shooting easily trainable citizens.

Mass murder happened before "gun free zones". That's why they were put in place. Do you see the circle now?
"You learn more from losing than you do from winning." Lou Pinella