Originally Posted By: AP a.k.a. Kaiser D
Local news would love that story. Send them that pic and give them GPS coordinates:


Aaron totally agree! The only problem is none of the major news stations seem to really do any news stories that put the tribe in a negative light, its always propaganda about how the tribe is helping the resource to sugar coat the fact they are really just after $$$$ from harvest of the resource.

I really think if the news went to some of the "fish camps" along our Washington rivers and observed the lack of overall respect for the environment/ecosystem some tribes have, (abandoned boats left unattended for months, sunken boats leaking fuel/oil into the rivers, garbage, over harvest, wasted fish, tangled nets left on the gravel bar etc) they might really be able to break some holes in the propaganda the tribe uses to portray them as "stewards to environment". They get away with stuff that you or I would be fined for or put in jail. Now I know not ALL tribal members are like this, but there are a good number that are and any one that spends enough time on the water knows what I'm talking about.

There are bad apples in all user groups, and over the years I have seen several stories portray sport fisherman in a negative light, in my opinion its time for the media to paint a more accurate picture of the situation for all of the citizens to see. Maybe if that were the case we could see some effective changes??

I really think tribal ancestors would be rolling in their graves seeing the ways some present day tribal members care for the sacred resources of the northwest.