This is the kind of crap that makes me sick. It’s not a matter of their rights it’s a matter of pure and simple greed and an “I don’t give a sh!t and in your face" attitude. I’ve seen this played out so many times over the last 40 years. There is absolutely no reason why they should have any more rights than us. I watched a program years ago when Joe DeLacruz (sp) was the chief of the Quinault tribe at the time and he bragged about how his ancestors were brave warriors and how they fought other tribes to get that land. Well guess what…our tribe beat your tribe. And did they give the tribes they conquered rights? I think not. Why didn’t the dirt bags give those fish to a charity? Granted they are not the best tasting fish but they look bright and people do eat them. But chums are not the only fish they have raped. I saw on the Quinault reservation a pile of chrome bright steelhead about 50 to 70 lying in the middle of a dirt road…what were they doing there…being used as bear bait! I might mention on that same trip I saw more litter than a garbage dump. The indian with the tear in his eye complaining about litter in that commercial is a of crock sh!t. I would like to respect them but it’s hard. They blame the white man for their alcohol problems using the excuse that they have a gene that predisposes them to alcoholism. Guess what that’s a crock of sh!t too. Recently scientists have proved there is no merit to that. We give them tons of money so they can mismanage it and ask for more. They DO bite the hand that feeds them! We are paying a frickin fortune to get licenses, punch cards, parking permits etc. We get very little for our investment. Take some time and figure out what each salmon and steelhead you caught cost. I’m tired of hearing about their customs. Was it their custom to drink a half rack, smoke a couple of dubbies, put a gill net all of the way across the river, throw their litter and beer cans and other garbage on their land? There are a lot of white people that poach and do the wrong thing. If they get caught they pay the price and they should. But when the Indians poach, waste and so on, they have very little to worry about when it comes to punishment. If they are a nation of their own they should have to get passports to come out of the reservation and in to the United States. If someone wants respect they should act respectful.