beyond upset is an understatement... i just bought in the last few months 4 new rods, 3 new reels, hooks, bobbers, jigs, spoons, weights, egg cures, dyes, boxes, worms, ect.....

and i can use about 1 1/10th of it....

the guy that took us back yesterday seemed to know alot of what he was talking about on the higher up inside stuff, if i remember right, he said something pertaining to the WFC and the tribes want Rainbow planting in lakes with creek inflow/outflow to stop, as they can spawn with Wild Steelhead.... my jaw dropped when i heard that....

a few days ago i was at a lake, and there was another guy there telling someone i know about how " screw Salmon, they need to put more and bigger trout in these lakes, anyone that wants Salmon over that, should be punched in the mouth".... i just kinda looked at him, then he stated that they will be putting Steelhead in lakes too... i told him that they are just bred from Steelhead, that Steelhead actually have to go to the salt and return to become Steelhead, and that if they are dumped into lakes they will just risidualize back to a Rainbow like some do in rivers becoming a resident.... appearently im wrong, Steelhead are a different species of Rainbow and they dont need to go to the salt....

theres alot of people that dont care, one dumb broad on FB said maybe we should learn to fish for something else other than Salmon and Steelhead.... i laughed at that too....

our problem is, theres more people that dont care than do, and that needs to change.... as i told them, if you think that losing Salmon fishing will protect everyone from coming to your lakes and raking everything out of them you have another thing coming.... its exactly what will happen....