The problem with conspiracy "news" like InfoWars or other "fake news" is that sometimes they can and do get semi-close to the truth. But their "truth" is never the real truth and it only helps to tip the baddies off. Listen, there are pedo rings in this world and in very high places. This is a fact that has been proven over and over. These are not stupid people that speak in code about "Pizza, Pasta and Hotdogs". They are much too smart and connected to be bothered by the likes of a Rich G. Dipshits like Rich and Alex Jones only fan the flames and drive the real peices of chit underground. Right now, Uncle Touchy is thinkging that the world is out to get him and his sick cohorts. The sick bastards are going to be extra careful and make the good guys jobs that much harder.

Let the good guys do their jobs and stop being a want-to-be internet weekend warrior "cop". You are only making things harder for the kids and the good guys - so stop it.

Focus on your wheelhouse Rich - Bigfoots and Gnomes and massive amounts of Mescaline & PCP cocktails. Your on base % is world class in these areas and the team needs you to do what you do best.
“If the military were fighting for our freedom, they would be storming Capitol Hill”. – FleaFlickr02