Originally Posted By: FleaFlickr02
You know, I've been making empty threats to quit buying licenses every year lately. Sometimes, it's after reading that a joint committee of shills has, yet again, decided to trump the will of the citizens and kill gillnet reforms, like this year. Other years, it's after reviewing the outcomes of North of Falcon and finding that another fun fishery has been taken away to provide for a commercial welfare fishery of some stripe or other. Whatever the case, it's abundantly clear that I am getting access to less opportunity each year. Meanwhile, old fees increase, and new fees get implemented, allegedly to benefit programs for which they are named, but eventually revealed to have been nothing more than a general increase in a not-so-clever disguise. Whatever the case, I eventually cave and buy my license, practically begging them for more of the same treatment next year.

Why do I allow myself to be suckered like this? Will I ever learn?

On another forum it was brought up to send your license to the governor with a note that you won't be buying another one. Fine idea. I'm going to make copies and send them to the commissioners, my legislators, and the governor along with a note that I refuse to subsidize the commercial fleet with my license fees next year. I can handle a year off...I live close to Canada.
Catch & Release Is Not A Crime