What in the world are youu guys asking for Bob and RT????? You want a bunch of sissies talking over tea? What a bunch of *********. RT, what are youu, somm sort of long haired hippy??? Shouuld we all get out oour birkenstocks and start singing kumbahyah my lord??? This is a load of horse ****. What a bunch of pansies. Nothing but yes men to whatever Bob and RT say. You shoould al be ashamed of yourselves. OOPS!!!! I'm thinking of that OTHER board. smile hehehe, j/k.

I've never had a problem on here. It's hard to offend me, normaly I get more trouubled on how ignorant some people can be. I feel if you can dish it, you should be able to take it back. The only one thinng I'd HIGHLY suggest is that if sommeon agrees to come to this board, their email be accessible to other registered users. Too often I've tried to email soemone flaming on a post, only to find that their address isn't accesible. As much as I hate to say this, but mmaybe Jjen had a good idea by also cleaning out BB addresses, all hotmail type addreses needed a viable reason as to why they have it, or you got your acount scrubbed out. Too often people will sign up a fictitious email account only to be able to sign up a new nickname. Then start flaming under that nick unnoticed.

I'll also try and correct my mistakes on this new damned keyboard Ii have. It's a wireless, and sucks. But I can surf so much faster with it that it's tradeoff Ii'm taking. I'll try and correct any doouble letters or missing letters. Just hard when you normaly are a fast typer. Plus, the mouse I have on this remote link is a pain in the butt to work with, so scrolling to make corrections are hard.
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