The government is alrady taking money out of your pocket, unless of course you are skipping out on your IRS. I promise not to turn you in if that's the case. With the money that is being wasted in America's current health care system, we could have the single payer health care system with some money left over and you would not have to pay one mextra penny, if you're paying anything at all. The government is wasting the money it takes from you currently and puts it's in their pockets without providing you with anything. That system could be changed over to single payer health care with no additional burden on your 1040 every year, and you wouldn't have to let Dad die or hawk his house. Does any of this make any flippin sense to you at all or are you just completely F******* oblivious. Or, do you think it is some sort of population control/survival of the fittest superior race kind of thing??
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"
President Merkin Muffley