"Yeah I know. Some of the Green Weeny concerns are valid"

"Another self-proclaimed Dumb s I see"

"The democrats that proudly wear the tag nowdays are socialists and fools to boot."

"Tell me itchyrhoid are you just naturally an ass or do you work at it?"

You're a funny fella Sard, sometimes I agree with you and sometimes I think you're just trying to get a rise like many others here including my self. Don't take it too personally, it's just a little humor relief courtesy of yours truly. I'll be overwhelmed with work here again and you won't see my "pious hiss ant" retorts for a little while, not as constantly anyways. I know I can be a little over the top for people like you but I do enjoy p****** of the religious right. That's the great thing about this forum is that it allows you to vent and state your case, at times ad nauseum and even every once in awhile somebody engages in a civil debate. Don't hold you breast, ooops I mean breath.

uhh...yeah..Hello Pot??.....This is the kettle
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"
President Merkin Muffley