I'm just starting to research the Bush vs. Kerry decision that I'll have to make in November, and one thing that has distressed me about Kerry's voting record (love the Vote Smart link above) is his record on animal rights issues. According to what I see, he's pretty much followed the party line of ASPCA and other, similar groups. I also did a quick search on the PETA website for Kerry, and that organization will be appearing at Kerry/Edwards rallies with characters in costume.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Kerry approves of PETA's stand or supports the group, but it appears that PETA is confident of a friendly reception.

With PETA's track record of protesting all kinds of "animal cruelty" including fishing, that linkage is worrisome.

I really would like to see Kerry's stand on major issues beyond campaign rhetoric, but he didn't reply to a series of requests for a statement, based on the Vote Smart website.

That makes me wonder.
