This comes down to another election where I'm forced to try and choose the lesser of evils. They both have limited upside in my opinion. Bush has had plenty of blunders, and there is nothing in the wind that looks like that will change. Flip Kerry, er, I mean John Kerry, reminds me greatly of the same crap that Willy spewed 12 years ago, followed by the lamest presidency I can recall (except Carter, he doesn't even qualify). Hard to believe in the semi modern, post Watergate era, there have been 5 presidents. 2 Dems and 3 Reps. Out of those, the only one I respect is now dead. I probably don't fall into the 24% that is undecided, but I will fully admit that I don't care for the guy I will be voting for. For me, it also comes down to prioritizing what is truely important in this life, and fish are not in the top few slots. Safety and prosperity for my family is, and one of the choices is better suited to make the hard decisions I think are ahead of our great country.