I posted this somewhere else, too, but I think it's pertinent here because the wetlands are significantly important to young salmon and steelhead. It's a cut and paste job, but it's factual anecdotal evidence.

"According to figures announced today by the Department of Agriculture, we have greatly reduced the annual loss of wetlands. And that's a positive development. We're nearing a long standing goal of actually restoring as many acres of wetlands that are lost." [Source: White House Web site]

There is no "comprehensive wetland survey that can accurately evaluate the status of our nation’s wetlands. While a few states have undertaken fairly comprehensive wetland mapping projects, the two national wetland trend surveys conducted by the federal government use only sampling data to assess changes in the health of America’s wetlands. Although both surveys provide important information about national trends, they do not paint an accurate picture of the current status of the country’s wetlands or reveal regional trends in wetlands losses and gains." - National Wildlife Federation, 4/22/04

In 2001, a study by the National Academy of Sciences revealed that the nation's wetlands policy has substantially failed, as wetlands continue to be destroyed at an alarming rate. - NAS Report, 6/16/01


"The work you're doing here to preserve wetlands is an important part of a national commitment. For many years, our nation has been working to prevent the net loss of wetlands." [Source: White House Web site]

On Jan. 14, 2002, the Army Corps of Engineers weakened environmental standards to make it easier for developers, mining companies and others to dredge and fill wetlands. This action, among other things, revoked a requirement for acre-for-acre replacement of destroyed wetlands, lifted protection from seasonal streams, and allowed permits to be issued for commercial development projects that destroy up to three acres of wetlands – reversing a Clinton-era standard from March 2000 that reduced the maximum allowable damage to half an acre. EPA objected that these changes lacked a scientific basis, and the Fish and Wildlife Service drafted comments predicting “tremendous destruction of aquatic and terrestrial habitat,” which Interior Secretary Gale Norton blocked from being delivered. - 67 Federal Register 2019, 1/15/02; WP, 1/15/02
Tent makers for Christie, 2016.