From one ex marine to another, its not a side show. it is the show. We can fight the terriost there or we can fight them here. and as far as Iam concerned freeing a whole country from slavery and giving them the ablity to freely elect their own goverment is the most important job of a U.S. marine. the war to date ,both in afganistan and iraq , is a hugh victory for the united states. It will change the middle east for years to come and provide us with friends in a hostle part of the world were the bad guys thought they could hide, train and recruit in safty. well all that has changed in at least two countries.

yes you are right about local officals haveing more power in what happens to are envioroment. but the money comes down from on high (thats washington d.c. to you jar head)
clinton left a bunch of last minute booby traps for President bush on the enviromental from. items he was not willing to act on while in office and only pasted on his way out . the forest roads closeres and the mercery scam. so i will be voting for the man that can provide the best leadership and towards manageing the enviroment and not just letting "nature " burn , i mean take its course.
Thomas J Elliott
Veterans Realty Services.