
It was about who really lied. Two biapartisan groups have said Bush Balir did not. The conclusion of the US committee while clearing Bush of misinformation,lies, half truths, inuendo etc. was that the biggest liar was Joe Wilson. Who was championed by Kerry, Edwards and Dean as holding info that proved Bush Lied. So while Kerry and Edwards voted for the war they built thier campaigns on Wilsons information to then appose the war. When in reality they voted for the war, they voted for unlimited authority, and then started rhetoric about conditions that should be placed on the war. With this Kerry /Edwards have established himself as a men of no conviction, who only talk about war and wont actually make it. Who would back down like Kadhaffi with a waffle like those two laid out on this action? These actions are not compatible with a CIC and a VP. Further more
they made assinine to assertion that a US president, having been authorized by the US Congress to go to war , needed to get the permission and acceptance from the UN. Anyone that thinks that they need to get the permission of anyone outside the US to act on a vote from the US congress is clarly unfit for the office of the President.

And you O' rings Championed the same evidence and used the same rethoric as Kerry, Edwards,Dean, Gore etc and plan to vote for such people. Most still stick to this twisted fable , it's Beyond comprehension.
Liberalism is a mental illness!