Thats OK Jeff'ed no sense using facts when emotion will do.

23 senators voted not to appove the war But Kerry did.

Authorization for Preemptive War Against Iraq On the Joint Resolution (H.J.Res. 114) 10/11/2002 Senate Roll Call No. 237 107th Congress, 2nd Session

Passed: 77-23 (see complete tally) Reflecting an intention to limit debate on the critical issue of war against Iraq, the U.S. Senate first voted to limit all debate to 30 hours. The passage of the resolution was evident when Senate Majority (Democratic) Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota took the floor to announce that the resolution was acceptable to him. "I believe it is important for America to speak with one voice," extolled Daschle.

By 77 yeas to 23 nays (Vote No. 237), Senate passed H.J. Res. 114, to authorize the preemptive and unilateral war against Iraq.

More than 100 House members did not vote for this war, but John Kerry did.

President Bush gave the following reasons (among others) for going to war with Iraq

1 We believe Iraq has WMD.

2. Iraq has denied inspections since 1998.

3. The risk to the US if Iraq gets WMD is too great.

4. Iraq is a threat to the region.

6. Iraq persistantly violates UN Resolutions.

7. Iraq is in material and unnacceptable breach of peace treaty obligations.

8. Iraq brutally represses its own citizens.

9. Iraq has fired on US troops, on thousands of occasions.

10. Iraq tried to assassinate a US President.

11. Iraq supports and harbors terorists.

12. Iraq has demonstrated its capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people.

13. Regime change is the official policy of the US toward Iraq.

Only the one of these reasons is under any question.

Congress gave these reasons for going to war in Iraq:

1 We believe Iraq has WMD.

2. Iraq has denied inspections since 1998.

3. The risk to the US if Iraq gets WMD is too great.

4. Iraq is a threat to the region.

6. Iraq persistantly violates UN Resolutions.

7. Iraq is in material and unnacceptable breach of peace treaty obligations.

8. Iraq brutally represses its own citizens.

9. Iraq has fired on US troops, on thousands of occasions.

10. Iraq tried to assassinate a US President.

11. Iraq supports and harbors terorists.

12. Iraq has demonstrated its capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people.

13. Regime change is the official policy of the US toward Iraq.

Only the first of these is under any question. Twelve perfectly good reasons even if intelligence data were faulty.

John Kerry voted for the War based on one reason only:

" I believe Iraq has WMD. "

If this reason is in question and condemns Bush in any capacity, then it also condemns Kerry . Even more so because Kerry did not have 11 valid reasons to vote go to war he chose one and one only.
Liberalism is a mental illness!