the king

Specifically when there is no requirement for such action in the US to have an opinion


Makes it easy to play Chicken Hawk when it's somebody else and not you making the sacrifice. You seem so over joyed about the fact that, in the US, it is not a requirement that we put our arse where our mouth is.

You and Scowaky can take your gun's and have an old fashion shoot out with the terrorist as soon as the both of you enlist and are in uniform. We all can see how brave, how tough and patriotic you are here in the cyber world, and we can't wait to see you in real action, in real time, on the Fox News channel with Ollie North (live from Bagdad), giving your pal's a big hello, down at The Seacrest Fishing Pier. Be sure to check in here (PP), to give us a heads up on the air time (dates etc.,) so all of America can stands in salute to your bravery.

You guy's will be right up there with Paul Revere, a true patriot, with your give me liberty (Iraq) or give me dealth determination for this War. Who know's, one of these day's your picture's could be on a pieces of Iraq's currency.

I'll be waiting for a Fox alert and do plan on being one of the guy's waving back to the two of you from the Seacrest Pier. Just look for the tallest guy of the bunch and it will more than likely be me, holding up a nice slab (chrome King) with Lice.

Hurry now, you must enlist fast, the terrorist are multiplying as we speak.

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein