ahhh, i ain't so smart...i had to turn around three times this year to get my fishing license and earlier today I lost my keys....found them in the front pocket of the pants I was wearing.

"If you say that people are few to celebrate Christmas, which has Christian origins, without relating it to its religious roots, can't christians use symbolism that previously had other religious connotations? Either they are both wrong or they are both fine."

If I understand the question correctly I believe your last line is what I am arguing...the nature of the original post is hypocritical because, as I understood it, he feels borrowing religious symbolism is wrong.

Since I personally don't care where Christians get their religious symbology, I don't see how I'm trying to have it both ways. Borrow away, just don't cry foul when someone borrows from you basically...

Am I the only one that caught elvis trying to explain how the first christmas tree was given to the baby jesus by the magii? I'll bet one of them was wearing a fuzzy lil red hat...

"Christmas is an American holiday." - micropterus101