FnP you are making me depressed. Your a smart guy you already know there's more options then just drinking or fishing. Take advantage of your insurance and see a counselor. Don't wait till it gets so bad you find yourself staring off a tall bridge. At the very least don't drink alone.

I don't want to hear any crap from anybody about toughing it out. That kind of BS advice leds people who are depressed into feeling even more isolated. I've dealt with it myself, and anybody who's dealing with enough sh&t in their life can be at risk.

Must be something with the planetary alignment or some other vodoo....saw alot of folks last night who were having very tough times coping, way more then usual. Pulled a gal out of the restroom this last shift who was the first I ever saw to actually cut the artery in her wrist. I don't want to ever see eyes like that again.

If there's anything I can do please ask.