There will be more to come later when I have more time to fully express my opinion. I know for a fact that the majority of the people on this site will hate me for what I am about to say and for your information I really do not care what you think about me. I personally refuse to fish during hatchery fish season because I hate hatcheries and the majority of the people who fish during that time of year. YES I KILL WILD STEELHEAD! Why you ask? Well for many reasons. Fortunately I live in an area where you can still legally HARVEST one actual steelhead a year (by law). I use the term actual steelhead because I do not consider those fake cookie cutter rudderless fish that the state waists larges sums of your money on every year, steelhead. Hatchery practices to day are doing more harm to your precious wild steelhead than I am by harvesting a few fish out of the rivers. It is the fishermen that fish for these stupid hatchery fish, and thinks that hatcheries are gods gift to fish and fishermen that cause harm that you don't see to your precious steelhead. There is more to come but right now I have to go.