Originally Posted By: Bob

First off, let's keep this thread civil or it will die an early death. pro / con, I don't care ... name calling and such needs to be put to bed.

As far as Jo-Jo's thought ... I think it's importnat to note on the Hoh, that in a number of years that the river did not meet escapement (the higher, older goal as well) ... if no kill was allowed and you figured out a 10% for C&R fish (which we know is high, but let's err on the side of the fish for a change) ... the goal would have been met.

The Hoh has no business being open to kill right now, or any other year until we see numbers bounce back (which usually is a long process for steelhead).

The state needs to go in a fight and get the escpament numbers back up to what they used to be ... I belive the number has been dropped twice now ... in order to meet it. But because there is a small surplus available, the tribe wants to take it and the state is afraid to push the envelope on the sporties being able to do with them as they wish. So both sides keep killing and we end up under-escaped, so we just lower the goal again. Then, as is the case in so many streams ... it'll just get shut down to us and the tribe will keep fishing to some degree because it is their right.

Keep killin' them boys, you're digging your own grave of a fishless future!

thats the thing. when escapement is not being met setting the number lower so that escapement can be met does not help anything at all. it only makes people like myself think that numbers are where they should be.

but again thats how wdfw works. anything to make them look like they are doing a good job.