Originally Posted By: JimB
Where has the reverence for these fish gone? But then again, was it ever really there?

Todd this is an interesting statement. I can honestly tell you that for I am old enough to remember 30 punch punch cards, free refills and no concern whether it was hatchery or wild...didn't know since nothing was clipped.

It took me a long time to buy into CnR that was for Bass fisherman and I'd say fly guys but there were so few of them I had never seen one until the 90's. Back then we didn't fish for Chum or Pinks and laughed at those who did.

The frustrating thing for me now is the statewide law of no retention of wild steelhead....its that simple...or should be.

I also understand the drive to obtain a record. For years I wanted the state Coho, fishing the Chehalis almost exclusively for many years I knew I had a shot. I kept two fish that came within ounces of that record but I never got it. I will not own it now because I keep only hatchery brats, I put two 15+ coho back last fall, they were never out of the water nor were they netted. Hopefully those genes made it to the gravel.

I guess I am in the camp that I sure wish this fish wouldn't have been kept and yet somewhat understand the mentality of keeping it. I long for the old days when it didn't matter and innocent fisherman weren't criminalized for doing nothing legally wrong.


Well stated JimB. Anybody who fishes more than a season grows as an angler. My dad, 68 years old, went through the same evolution, as did most anglers of the 70's and 80's. Today, he's content as an evolved conservationalist; yet when I go back to my childhood home and look at the photos on the walls, I see shots (from the 70's) of boots with adipose fins and the hero (my dad) holding his prize with an ear-to-ear grin--that's just the way it was. I have a shot of my one-and-only kept native from the late 80's as a teenager--probably only my 3rd or 4th steelhead ever (and after hundreds still my largest)--and I recall the elation of catching that fish. If we've caught so many we've forgotten that sensation, well then I'm sure you've done your share of damage. Indeed, times have changed, I'd like to think for the better, but sometimes I wonder.

Anyway, you said it just right JimB. Thanks for a voice of reason.