Originally Posted By: Kaiser D.

The whole "increased sale of guns and ammo" is directly related to nutjobs thinking the gubment is about to take their guns.


They knew this would happen from experiences gained during the Clinton years. So why would they do it again? The answer comes from thinking globaly.

As I suspected; Obama is really no different than any other politician that has lead this country. First clue was the increased troop level effort in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Hmmmmmm were already stretched pretty thin around the world.

Our economy is in the toilet.

World opinion of the US is low.

Taking these three things into consideration; it seems we could be seen as vulnerable. How do you send a message loud and clear to those who might use this vulnerability against us?

Easy! Threaten gun legislation and the public will arm themselves to the f@$#ing teeth. We would have the best insurgancy the world has ever seen. You know 2nd amendment, militias and what not.
For some of us, a bad day of fishing is a bad day at work.

j7 2012