Hey you dolt your reply was to my text. You reps are always getting your foot caught.

One more time and I'll type slower this time:

A) i was asked who made you the decider so i said "I wish I were the decider". If I were I would start with drugs not guns though.

B) "with strong alluding that any concerned gun owner is crazy"
More BS spin. Those out there panicing about gun grabbers are crazy. Not this former gun owner former hunter. My deceased father in laws guns are being given to me soon though. Curious what he has but not a nut about it like some. He was a retired major in the army and a combat vet of three wars and I'm betting he didn't feel the need for any assault style weapons around the house.

C) "I guess I'd your pro gun control"
learn to spell and guessed wrong didn't you? Dolt!

So bottom line: an idiot like you proves my argument. You make wild assumptions that aren't there. You live in irrational fear. All of which point to mental instabilities and those are the very people most would agree shouldn't own firearms. That's why I added you to the gun grabber list. Should be there soon.
"You learn more from losing than you do from winning." Lou Pinella