Man that is sad, I'm glad he made it through that . Layla, my 8 month old lab/chesapeake has had a few close calls and bad experiences but she's doing great. She jumped out of my jeep goin 25 mph at about 10 weeks, lost a little fur on the back of her leg but was thankfully fine. Been brutally attacked by a mini weiner dog ( small man syndrome). Swept into the river at a young age ( Had to jump in after her and temporarily lost my rod). I thought that would make her affraid of the water but I still can't seem to keep her out of it. The worst was about a week ago when I noticed a piece of fishing line coming from her mouth. First thing I thought was SH!T there is likely a hook on the end of it. Luckily there wasn't and we slowly pulled 3 1/2 feet of mono from her throat. She's my first dog, and I couldnt've asked for a better one. Only chews certain things. Doesn't bark except when commanded to speak or if someone approaches the front door. Loves to swim, smart as a whip, and a real looker at that ( at least I think so) . I'm not a bird hunter, but she really makes me wanna take up the sport. You could say I'm a proud father.