Originally Posted By: smelt
I understand that the WDFW doesn't even keep detailed statistics of the kind you want, which is kind of startling. But the WDFW has issued hundreds of HPAs for exceptions to the windows specified in the Gold and Fish pamphlet, and those projects are not monitored for compliance with the rules. Those are facts provided to Representative Tarleton's office by the WDFW. (I apologize for not putting that information in bold capital letters in my initial post. Did you think I dreamed up what I've said here to drive some sinister "agenda"?)

My only purpose in supporting this bill is to help protect endangered runs of wild salmon and steelhead so that fishermen can fish for them, if not now then someday. Washington's regulation of an activity, suction-dredge mining, has very few restrictions on what miners can do, and what they do can harm our streams with ESA-listed fish. And it is another fact that other western states have acted to tighten restrictions on dredging, an activity conducted on public lands for no public benefit, while fishermen in Washington suffer from more and more restrictions on their ability to fish for salmon and steelhead. (No, I'm not going to do your homework assignment and write a fact-filled background paper for your perusal.)

By the way, you've made it a point to say that you are a proud non-lemming. It sounds like you don't value any experience but your own. It would be just awful to learn anything from the example of other states that have acted to rein in suction dredging: after all, everything we need to know we can learn ourselves, right?

I feel it is important to assess the facts regarding any subject brought to my attention by someone seeking support. I have absolutely no problem considering peer reviewed research data or even first hand anecdotal information from person(s) who are willing to provide details.

You asked whether I think you have dreamed up the information you have provided in order to drive some sinister agenda? No. First, I never used the word "sinister." I also never said YOU dreamed it up. In fact, I never said it was dreamed up. What I did was question the veracity of the very limited information you provided insofar as it was very generalized and without references other than to say "California did it."
By the way, providing some pertinent information is fairly easy. Here is the link to the WDFW page pretaining to this type of activity and on that page is a link to the Fish and Gold pamphlet: http://wdfw.wa.gov/licensing/mining/.

I will opine that WDFW's system to record all citations issued by its LE, to be able to track them through final adjudication, and to inquire the system based upon specific types of violations may not be the best. This came into question during the new P.S. crab policy hearings when WDFW LE provided violation stats that portrayed a poor picture of recreational crabber compliance. After much peeling of the onion it was determined that LE focused its efforts on areas of known problems and then regularly made contacts after witnessing a violation. Sure, the resulting violation rates (as % of contacts) were high because their contacts were not random. While the violations and percentages may have been valid the implication that the violation rates were for the entire population of recreational crabbers was highly inaccurate. Garbage in, garbage out.

The absence of data supporting your assertions regarding violations is not proof that violations are occuring nor is it proof that no one is monitoring (any of) the activities about which you have expressed concern.
Remember to immediately record your catch or you may become the catch!

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done. (Ewing)