Fair question, but getting an answer won't be easy. The set of HPAs (a little more than 1,000 issued from 2009 to September 2013) we received from the WDFW were just loaded on a CD, one after another. They weren't categorized in any useful or usable way at all, for example, by location. Just to get a simple count required going through all of them in sequence. It was quite laborious, as you can imagine. This also shows, by the way, that the WDFW has no ability at present to track what is going on with these HPA projects, which are exceptions to the work windows specified in the Fish and Gold pamphlet. I'll see what we can do about refining the data because the answer to your question would be useful to know. It's probably going to take some time due to the totally unsorted nature of the HPA dump we were given.

What would you say is the salmon spawning season -- August to December? What about spring chinook, though? Should they be disregarded for the sake of simplicity? I'm looking for ideas here to make analysis of the data feasible.

Edited by smelt (02/27/14 01:30 AM)