Originally Posted By: Chuck S.
Originally Posted By: Bonaro
Hi Chuck,
I have dredged Peshastin many times and the water is cold but the gold is big and chunky. You are right that you cannot replace the silt into the spot it came from but why would you need to? The boulders tend to congregate in patches where the water scours out the fines and this is where the gold collects and the dredging takes place. In other places where the bottom is gravelly is where the fish spawn and also where the gold does not collect. Silt is found in varying quantities through the stream bed profile and it along with gravel and smaller boulders are put into constant motion each winter. A stream is very dynamic and is constantly moving. If I dredged a big hole in the stream in July, you would be very hard pressed to find it the next spring.

If it doesn't feel right then you should not do it. However, I would encourage you to evaluate the impact you have against the normal impact of runoff. In the overall stream bed, the activity of a few dredges is insignificant.

I have never tried to dredge up a fish but I have know some who have tried....very aggressively and with large capacity dredges to catch some, In all the years I have been doing this you are the first person that admitted to being able to do this, this fish are simply too fast. I can say that I have suctioned up whole beer cans and watched them exit the sluice without a single dent or scratch.


Too funny. Yes the peshastin was cold. I did it in a shorty wet suit and my buddies all freaked out. Of course I was a young'un then and had a bit more ambition.... these days, not so much.

We put rocks back and knew in months the silt woudl return but what damage is caused in the months without it?

I dont know, I aint that smart but it felt wrong to me.

That and not getting a lot of big "chunks" of gold didnt amp the motivation either.

I am not against some dredging of some places, just needs to be in the right place and the right time. Again, I am not the one to decide that.

I do know hanging underwater and moving stuff around was damn fun, and highly educational.

The fish shooting ... was a bonus.

Fish dont spawn in a cobble patch or boulder field. They can't move a softball or larger rock to make a redd. The sediment washes down and is reclassified by the stream and provides material for new spawing areas. after the next high water you cant even tell.

Cold is not the proper word for it...gasp