Originally Posted By: Salmo g.

I don't really have a dog in this fight between you and Smelt, but you made several references to "liberal oppression," "left-wing agenda" and so forth. These kinds of remarks aren't winning you many friends if your goal is to persuade forum members that suction dredge mining is not harmful to stream habitat. Well it may score you some points among the few far right wing-nuts that inhabit this forum, but outside of politics you're only going to make headway here with well reasoned and supported arguments.

BTW, your retired EPA gold dredging scientists testament isn't very impressive to this reader.


Noted and no offense intended to anyone on this board. I have been in this fight for years and not just for mining but for all land rights and user groups including fishermen. I have encountered the smelts of the world before and they are aggravating in their arrogance.
I have been open about my identity and try to not throw too much mud but Smelt is a person who belittles my education, achievements and unfortunately does it all anonymously to avoid all responsibility. He ignores or discredits any science I present not because it's wrong but because it doesn't support his goals. I would hope that your expectation of fair play is extended equally to all posters.

The EPA testaments are fueled by a lot of passion and frustration. If you were aware of all of the circles we were run in while fighting for our rights in California you would understand better where all that comes from. I don't see where it invalidates the quality of their science any more than it would for any other scientist