Originally Posted By: Salmo g.


Yeah, it does seem like co-management has become less than co-equal. As for incidental mortality rate, the issue continues to be muddy. I find the lack of professional interest interesting, but my guess is that it's because CNR fishing is such a small niche market here on the coast where fishing still means killing fish. Fish management without killing fish must be a foreign Rocky Mountain concept still.

It can be fun to flog the fly v gear debate over beer, but it's generally unproductive. The thing about conventional gear fishing is that anglers wanting to be ten-percenters have increasingly gravitated to more efficient and effective methods of garnering hook-and-line angling success. And that becomes the crux of this issue, where, in order to have prospective fishing, angler efficiency has to be reduced. (Fly fishing at least has that going for it.) And fishing from boats has very significantly higher CPUE than fishing from foot, it's an obvious target. Using boats (motor or drift) for access only is probably higher than walk-in access, but I don't know that it would make the kind of difference necessary for PS steelheading.


I think there is plenty of information out there already that has un-muddied the incidental mortality related to catching and releasing steelhead, and it's been out there for quite a while.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the data we have now on incidental mortality is probably more accurate than the fish forecasts we rely on right now.

So far as anglers wanting to be more efficient and effective at catching fish...well, let's just say limiting that to "conventional gear anglers" is about as smart as saying CnR fishermen "play with their food"...and is, contrary to your stated position, making an unwarranted distinction between gear anglers and fly fisherman.

I have not ever seen an advertisement in a flyfishing mag for the newest and best...

$1700 rod
$693 reel
$94 best line ever
$899 must have waders
$249 only boots that work
$132 Ascot made from the silk from virgin silkworms

...touting its ineffectiveness or its ability to help you reduce your CPUE...as a matter of fact, I'd say that most the ads say quite the opposite, and judging by what many flyfishermen are buying I'd say they believe it, too.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle