Originally Posted By: Myassisdragon
Originally Posted By: GodLovesUgly
How are other tribes fairing for Coho, does anyone know? I know Tulalip had its best Chinook catches in 10 years this season, and so far the coho are coming in more abundant and much larger than they have seen in several years.

I think it is high time for some investigation and an in season update by the state. We could at least salvage some river seasons.....

The state can only make predictions, usually a sad set of boom and doom numbers. Try and get them to give actuals as, or after the returns have happened ! They will not, or cannot. Over 2k of wild steelhead in the Nisqually in the the last few seasons says it all.......

To me this just shows how screwed up the WDFW is. In season management is a must and should be used instead of the stupid [Bleeeeep!] out dated policies they have in place now.

On a side note, just went down to the Duwamish....Loaded with Coho, fish are jumping every where...Soon you'll see Wild caught Silver Salmon ferrrr sale at a store nearest you. Thanks to the Co-Management efforts.
Just Fish!