Get ready for a wild ride, it's on its way. like I said before, nothing has changed, the dynamics of the situation are the same, Trump got elected and we are in a bit of a honeymoon period or holding pattern if you want to call it that. flash crash after flash crash is quickly on its way, bonds, housing, stocks and the dollar are all gonna crash starting any time. All your retirements, federal, state, private pensions are all gonna get revalued as are your bank accounts. There is a new standard of living headed to the Western world which is both necessary and unavoidable, it will begin to happen with a financial/economic colapse. Trump knows it but he can't say it, he just has to let it happen unimpeded.

Things are gonna get ugly, not as bad as if the NWO would have retained power but bad enough. the NWO was going to use this event to de-populate via war and civil unrest now it's gonna be great depression x10, there will still be a die off but not as much as there would have been.