Originally Posted By: Gnomesayin
Thanks to Rich G for changing the SHTF date from Tuesday to Wednesday. Tuesday March 14th is Steak and blowjob day and I wouldn't want the SHTF to interfere with it.

I'm going to have my steak be a New York steak, well done, with ketchup on it.

Originally Posted By: paker
I didn't watch Trumps speech, but according to all the Fake News sites, he acted very Presidential and people (in general) were impressed.

Since you missed it, let me fill you in. It was a great, great speech. It really was great. It was a big beautiful speech and let me tell you, nobody gives speeches like I do, believe me. I spoke. I spoke very nicely. It was great. I gave a speech to Congress and Congress is going to make the taxpayer pay for it.
Trump 2020 - Keep America great!

"When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything, grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything." –Donald Trump