Hey, whazz the big deal about raising sheep? I have a large back property. Talking about the yard, not me :p . Besides, the sheep don't bother the emus. Grass seed is cheap and the 'grazing' fees I get from Os and Yall are rather profitable. I just take their money and leave, I don't watch. The thing is the grass is still in the same condition when I get back confused , except for all the wool, feathers, and neurotic animals scatered around on it. Go figure. rolleyes rolleyes ...

And it's interesting that this turns to a 3 way debate. I wasn't aware of the deepseated WA division between east and west. I would guess at the real core of this is sheep - not UW vs WSU! Western inhabitants of WA have historically wrought havoc on the eastside sheep populations. Prior to the 1900's is was mostly a food issue; but not exclusively. Now it's become more a matter of the heart. Many broken hearts have occured with the evil westside heathens stealing the affections of many a 'Lamb Chop' from the ranchers while they were ensconsed with the pigs. "Suuuweee"! Just goes to show you ranchers, don't put all your 'pork' into pork futures while the wool market is hot!
"Stock" market analist eek
Pain Wetter, Inc.