Generally, I agree that "fly only" is pretty lame and only serves to create a situation were every fly fisher in the state shows up on the weekends and makes for a rather crowded fishing experience.

I can see how the catch rate is less for flies, generally, than other gear so it helps foster environments with larger fish. But, I'm not sure how a spoon with a single barbless hook would cause anymore mortality than a wooley bugger. I don't see that fighting time is more lengthy with a fly rod, thoguh, which as been argued. Most fishers are conscious of chosing appropriately meaty equipment for the fish they go after. Sure there are exceptions, but that's life.

I'd like to see selective gear/C&R rules in our lakes and rivers increase. Keep the existing fly-only waters, though. There are a lot of fly fishers than only fish fly only water so by keeping up those exclusive locations, it'll keep them away from where I fish! :p I fish a lot of places that are open to everyone and generally get a whole lot less pressure than those special fly only spots.

You know, I've done quite a bit of fishing in BC. My observation is that there are at least 3 times as many, if not more, fly only waters there than in this state. Interesting...they also have a lot more "quality" fisheries, IMO.
"If fishing is like religion, then flyfishing is high church." -Tom Brokaw